Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quilts for Kids, community service workshop

My quilt guild, the Choo Choo Quilters, supports the community by making Cuddle Quilts for the Children's Home/Chambliss Shelter in Chattanooga. This Saturday, August 27 is our annual Cuddle Quilt workshop which will be held at Senior Neighbors downtown from 9:30 am. to about 2 pm.
Cuddle Quilt made using an innovative piecing technique.
Stop by and do some simple sewing and piecing and enjoy the company of other quilters! Doing something for others is also very heart warming. The Choo Choo guild members have been making blocks through the year that will be assembled into tops, and the guild provides the batting. If you'd like to bring a sewing machine, contribute fabric for quilt backs, or help us quilt or tie, come on out—everyone is welcome.
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