Here are the clever and timely interpretations of the theme. Top row l to r: "Time Flies," "It's about time... for Spring!!" and "Time Flies"
Bottom row l to r: "It's about time to finish those UFOs," "It's about time," "Time on my Hands," and, complete with its own pocket, "Its' about time... Grandpa got a new watch!" with a removable watch attached to the watch fob. (I love it when the cards are interactive!)
The card backs are just as interesting as the fronts and provide information on the materials and techniques used to create the cards. In talking with one of the artists at today's trade, she informed me of odorless mineral spirits (found at art supply or craft stores) that can be used to blend colored pencils (such as PrismaColor colored pencils). I haven't tried this technique. I guess I have some experimenting to do.