Sunday, August 9, 2020

Batch piecing the 100 Days 100 Blocks

With the posting of Block #40 today, I had to schedule block-making time for the 100 Days 100 Blocks sew-along 2020.

In progress blocks for #100days100blocks sew-along.
Prints and solids from Paintbrush Studio Fabrics.

Cruising at a steady pace, I pieced six blocks yesterday, but I'd like to get further ahead. It's more productive to sew the blocks in batches. Cut-cut-cut then sew-sew-sew.

Blocks 41 - 53 prepped for piecing.

I was making headway until I came to Block #48... which took the wind out of my sails. 

48 is going to be a booger! This darn 6" block has 18 HSTs (half square triangles) that finish at 1". Geesh... talk about a patchwork nightmare.

Block #48 layout diagram.

The search for half-square triangles

Scrounging the scraps from this project, I found a few HSTs that could be trimmed to size. I found a few triangle-shaped fabric pieces that could be made into new HST units. Then I did the 8-out method and cranked out a few more. 

Using various methods for making HSTs.

The Bloc-Loc tool is great for squaring up HSTs... but 18 little HST units is still a lot to trim!

Squaring up HSTs with the Bloc-Loc tool.

The cutting prep for Block #48 is now ready for piecing. This will take quite the determination and precision to make the block come out the correct size.

Block #48 prep.

Looking ahead... Block #54 needs twelve 1.5" HSTs. 

*Oh, joy.*
(I guess our piecework skills are being tested with this project.)

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